The Unite180 church is a leader-full organisation dedicated to taking care of God’s people. This commitment is revealed through the church’s leadership structure, which strives to ensure that every church member is cared for, feels supported and has a sense of belonging. From the first contact with the Unite180 church, a person becomes connected to a Unite180 leader ready to build a relationship and point them to Jesus.
The Unite180 leadership structure was designed by Pastors David and Chanelle who believe in building a church one-by-one, and leader-by-leader. It has grown into a vibrant network of uGroup Leaders, Area Leaders and Pastors all with one goal – to make Jesus known to the nations. The Unite180 leadership network is a global network that consists of 953 leaders and continues to grow. Pastors David and Chanelle meet (physically or online) with all of the Unite180 leaders once a month for a leadership development meeting called “Leadership”.
uGroup Leaders are responsible for small groups of approximately eight people in the church. They care for and build relationships around the Word of God with the people in their uGroup. On Wednesdays, they facilitate uGroups in #ahousenearyou. They are responsible for raising new uGroup leaders from their uGroup and for growing the attendance of their uGroup. Once they have raised four to six new uGroup leaders and successfully split their uGroup they may become area leaders.
Area Leaders are responsible for five to eight uGroup leaders and uGroups in the church. As such they oversee the well-being of approximately 50 people in the church. Area leaders serve extensively in the church and support uGroup leaders and uGroups. They facilitate spiritual discussions within their area and escalate concerns to pastors in the church.
Pastors in Unite180 are responsible for five to seven area leaders. As such they oversee the well-being of approximately 250 to 400 people in the church. They are appointed by God and recognised by Pastors David and Chanelle from the area leader group.
Each leader within the church is taken care of and overseen by another leader. For example, a uGroup leader has an assigned area leader and an area leader has an assigned area pastor. This ensures that everyone in the church including the leaders is cared for and has the support they need which speaks to one of the core values of the Unite180 church, namely, “All about people”. Through this network, each church member is connected and taken care of by a uGroup leader, area leader and area pastor.
To encourage growth and connectivity in the Unite180 church, leadership assignments are strategically shuffled within the church every year. This ensures that every leader within the church has the opportunity to learn from different leaders. Much thought and care is given by Pastors David and Chanelle under whose leadership leaders are placed to foster continuous development and growth within the Unite180 church.